Blueprint Drawing Review

Pantec Engineering provides blueprint review services for real estate sales and construction projects in their design phase. For real estate sales, it is always a good idea to have someone thoroughly review drawings of the property that are filed with the local building department before closing on a sale. Many past building owners have done illegal modifications to their buildings which may cause issues for you and the building department down the line. Even if you do not plan on refiling or correcting issues for a specific property at the building department, you should at least be aware of them. Issues can arise if you plan on doing additional work to the house that would warrant a need for the building department to come. Some issues can be quickly taken care of by just updating drawings but modifications that are not up to code may require you to rip out parts of your home and get them redone correctly. The more information you have the better informed decisions you can make. Pantec Engineering can provide CO searches and help retrieve your drawings from local building departments for review throughout New York City, Long Island, and Westchester County. 

For construction projects, it is always a good idea to have a third-party review of design drawings. Small design issues can manifest themselves as costly and time-consuming issues during construction. Pantec Engineering can review drawings for completeness, accuracy, code compliance, and buildability, providing a detailed report of anything we find that made us put up a red flag.

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