Tenant Protection Plan Compliance Inspections

Tenant Protection Plans (TPP) outline protocols that must be followed during the construction process to prevent anything unsafe from happening to the tenants of the building being worked on. Tenant Protection Plan Compliance Inspections are mandated by the NYC Building Code Section 1705.26 and require a special inspector to conduct inspections that verify compliance with the tenant protection plan throughout the course of work. The inspector is required to do these inspections before construction starts, right when it starts, once a week during construction, after a TPP violation has been issued, the construction has moved location, and lastly when construction operations change which requires changes in methods of protection.

These inspections are crucial for ensuring that the construction site maintains a safe environment for tenants and complies with all regulatory standards. Pantec Engineering is the perfect company to conduct your TPP Compliance Inspections due to our expertise, availability, and commitment to safety. We ensure that our inspections are conducted promptly and accurately within the appropriate timeframe while also guaranteeing the safety of the tenants and workers.

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